Our Rate and Price Scales!


We rate based on a 1 to 5 scale. 1 being the WORST and 5 being the BEST.


We price each restaurant using $ to $$$.

$ (1-8 dollars spent, per person)
$$ (8-15 dollars spent, per person)
$$$ (15 + dollars spent, per person)

Saturday, April 7, 2018

We are back!

Seven years later...

Ryan and I are happy to announce that we are back at it, after much debate and push from our friends.  Don't worry though.  One thing is for sure:  We did not lose our taste buds and there are plenty of new (and old) restaurants that reside in Quakertown and we are excited to share our experiences with you!

For those of you new to this blog, our mission is simple:

Ryan and I want to eat through all of the restaurants in Quakertown (A to Z) and document our journey and experience with you.  We will fill you in on our experience at the restaurant including customer service, cleanliness, price, overall atmosphere and of course the FOOD!  Our objective is to find you the restaurants that you can enjoy a night out with friends, grab a quick bite to eat or potentially avoid altogether.

We hope that you enjoy our ramblings and if you find that we haven't visited a restaurant (We try to do this alphabetically), please let us know!

You can follow us here and don't forget to follow us on our new Instagram page where we will post updates as well!  (Search "eating_thru_quakertown")

Keep an eye out for our next restaurant in the next few weeks...

Until next time,

Derek & Ryan

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