This is Derek Overby reporting live with Ryan Landis. We have come up with the idea of eating through all of the restaurants in Quakertown in alphabetical order. Yes, that is a lot of restaurants and it will take some time, but we are determined. We have a list of restaurants from Quakertown and so far, we have made our way through 6 of them...The idea of this blog is to inform you of restaurants to try out and some that you should consider avoiding.
We rate each restaurant based on a 5 point scale. (5 points is the MOST AMAZING restaurant, and 1 point means run for your lives). We rate each restaurant based on the appearance, customer service, cleanliness, environment and of course the food.
We want to hear your comments and if we missed any restaurants that you can think of, let us know!
We eat at these restaurants every other Thursday, and sometimes more, so we are looking at 2 restaurants a month. We will begin posting soon about our recent excursions to the 6 restaurants. Stay tuned!
-Derek & Ryan
This idea totally cracks me up... wish I had this information during the 12 years I worked for the Q-town school district!